• 614-592-9593
  • rabbiJshimberg@gmail.com


I look forward to speaking with you about how we might work together to meet your particular interests and needs. When you find a spot on my calendar, please provide me with some basic information about your interests and what you hope to accomplish in our initial consultation. Include a phone number and a good time of day to reach you. 

I try to check messages that I receive through my website on a regular basis, however, given the unfortunate amount of spam I must wade through on this platform, you may have better luck contacting me through my presence on social media, especially Facebook. You can also reach out through email to rabbi first letter of first name followed by last name at gmail. Please note that I disconnect, electronically, on Shabbat (from late afternoon on Fridays through Saturday night). And, if your need is emergent (serious illness or death), call or text me, even if it is Shabbat.

I look forward to meeting you and beginning the conversation.

B’vracha ~ in Blessing,

Rabbi Jessica